Sunday, June 15, 2008

what's up....! what's up...!!

hey all..

Gosh...I feel damned bored in my office no works to walk in frequent incoming calls...ohh...i need to achieve my target !!! help me !!
guess what i'm doing now ?? hehehe...some paper work...currently i'm helping my long long time ago customer wanted me to prepare for her a business proposal. She's planning to open a premise..related to eco-tourism !! nature, cultural, bla bla bla....
wait a sec........oh NO !!!! AGAIN !!! this large group of 150 pax to Japan this DEC 08, now they wanna change their flight schedule...
ohhh......i'm headache again....huuuuu~~~mmm...tomorrow, will do later lah...not in a mood right now..

Hey...forgot to tell you people....I had a haircut last Sunday....kinda Jigoku Shoujo's look alike !!! hehehehe...people thought that I'm 16 !!!
Oh......thank you ~~~

My sister's wedding is coming soon..this 21st JUNE 2008...will be held in Putrajaya....aiyah..forgot which area of Putrajaya...heeee..
I shall wear blue dress...pretty and a bit mother bising giler !! and the man's side...i'm going to be her "pengapit"....wah !!!
i wanna look fabbbbbulousss !! - As what Kimora Lee Simmons said !! I'm going to wear evening a bit lah !! hehehe...

Hey, u know what....found out from my car..inside the boot...there were 3 bags inside there !!... Liz Clairbone, Nose and Chinese Silk bag..
the Nose's pink color and has a florals pattern..and the WORST is....that bag looks damned damaged !! it is not a quality bag......don't ever ever buy a not so quality bag...and don't buy SEMBONIA BAG !! I've noticed my bag macam dah nak reput saja :(
Well..planning to buy ELLE Bag next month !!!! can't wait for my salary day !!!!! hehehe...

So sorry photo for this time slow to upload the photos neh...take care people !! have a nice day !!

1 comment:

JackS said...

jigoku shoujo ek...
mane gamba?
pendek camne?